Lingering Little Brazil – The New York Times

September 15, 2016

Little Brazil — Rua de Brasileiros — is easy to miss.

The Midtown Manhattan block that makes up Little Brazil, 46th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, seems anything but Brazilian.

Falafel. Soul food. Schnitzel. Cheesesteak. Tacos. The street is teeming with food trucks representing just about every other ethnicity imaginable.

You’ll see a few bare-bones “Little Brazil Street” signs bookending the block, but no big green-and-gold flags, and no real indication that Rio 2016 begins today.

It wasn’t always so.

In the 1960s, this pocket was dotted with Portuguese hairdressers and dozens of Brazilian eateries and mom-and-pop shops.

Brazilian and American flags hung in storefronts, and it wasn’t uncommon to see photos of Pelé, the Brazilian soccer star, in the windows.

Now, though, only a few vestiges remain — like Via Brasil, Emporium Brasil and Ipanema.

For decades, these restaurants have attracted Brazilian New Yorkers and Brazilian tourists alike.

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Bruno Cardoso, from Bahia, Brazil, has managed Emporium Brasil since it opened as a pastry snack bar 25 years ago…

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